Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Political Cartoon Worksheet


If the first link doesn't work - use this http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/worksheets/cartoon.html

You need to complete 2 analysis worksheets today. Use Cagle for one: http://www.cagle.com/

And use this website for the other (a historical cartoon): http://www.csub.edu/~gsantos/cat15.html

Copy the cartoon into a word document. Print off the cartoon and the analysis worksheet.

Map for Week of 9/20/11

Ten Biggest Islands: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/world/10biggestislands.html

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 5/16/11


1) What monument built by Napoleon is the entombment of he Unknown Soldier of France?
2) Name three of the four countries in Europe whose names end in “y”.
3) English is only the second most spoken language in the world. What is the first?
4) What famous English prison was the home of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.
5) At almost 900 feet in elevation, in what state is the “Devil’s Tower” found?
6) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
7) Mt. Hood can be send from what major city in Oregon?
8) The Niger River flows into what body of water?
9) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?
10) What South African won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?
11) What is the second largest city and the principal southern port of France?
12) What city is the center of the automobile industry in Italy?
13) Name the rift valley that stretches from the Middle East to East Africa?
14) What chief port of South China lies off the Hsi River?
15) What American President signed the Panama Canal Peace Treaty in 1977?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10th Grade Project - 1950s Presentation Topics

Topic Choices:
Teller and the hydrogen bomb
Oppenheimer and resistance to "Super"
Guatemala and the CIA
Iran and the CIA
French war in Indo-China
Hell's Angels and the growth of motorcycle gangs
Korean War
Occupation of Japan
Development of shopping malls
Bill Levitt, Levittown and suburbia
Interstate Highway System
Domestic testing of atomic weapons and impact
Birth of fast food industry
Improvements in agricultural yields
Emmett Till
1950s Trinidad
1950s teenage fashions
Detroit and auto production
Development of the U2 spy plane
Development of SAC
Public School Integration (Brown v. Board of Education 1954)
Macarthur and Korean conflict
GI Bill
Strength of American heavy industry
World military (general)
Early NASA space program
Joe McCarthy and red-baiting
Hillary's ascent of Everest
Atomimc-powered naval vessels
Mao Zedong and "Great Leap Forward"
Castro topples regime in Cuba
10th Mountain Division and the creation of Colorado ski resorts
Roots of Rock and Roll
Birth control pill

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 5/10/11

Map - Australia: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Australia/Australia.html

Daily Geo Questions:

1) Vicksburg, Mississippi borders the Mississippi River and what state – Arkansas or Louisiana?
2) What cave system is the world’s longest?
3) Great Falls and Helena lie on or near what major river?
4) Little Havana is found in what American city?
5) What was the site of the first permanent settlement in California in 1769?
6) What city of the French Riviera is known for its annual film festival?
7) What is Ireland’s longest river?
8) What cold ocean current sweeps the north Atlantic coast of Canada and the United States?
9) What forest was the scene of the 1940 German offensive to break the Maginot Line?
10) Name the mountain range that extends more than 1,000 miles from Kazakhstan’s northern border to the Arctic Ocean?
11) Which state has a humid subtropical climate-South Carolina or South Dakota?
12) To visit Ernest Hemingway’s home in Havana, one would travel to what country?
13) Name the country that is bordered by the Mediterranean, Black, and Aegean seas?
14) Which of the following is not a country in Eastern Europe – Albania, Mauritania, Romania?
15) Berbers and what other Muslim people make up most of the population in Algeria, Morocco, and Libya?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Geo - Week of 5/3/11

Map: Asia Mountains - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Asia/AsiaMountains.html

Daily Geo

1) Many Irish immigrated to the United States in the mid-1800s due to the failure of what crop?
2) To learn about the history of the Crow Indians, which state would you travel to?
3) Which technology uses satellites to determine coordinates of a specific location on the earth’s surface?
4) Most of Turkey’s land area is located on which continent?
5) Which place would be more dangerous during a flash flood – a mesa or an arroyo?
6) Which African city was established at the head of the Nile River Delta more than 1000 years ago – Asmara, Cairo, Tripoli?
7) What country lost about half its population between 1865 and 1870 in a disastrous war with Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina?
8) The largest country in Central Asia lies between the Caspian Sea and China. Name the country.
9) The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in which ocean?
10) Which river forms much of Oklahoma’s border with Texas?
11) What word is used to describe the side of a mountain that faces the prevailing winds?
12) The source of the Rio Grande is located in the southwest corner of what state?
13) The Canary Islands are closer to which continent – Africa or Asia?
14) The Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meet in Pittsburgh to form what other river?
15) Which country has Lake Eyre as its lowest point and Mount Kosciuszko as its highest point?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 4/26/11

Map: Middle East Mountain Ranges: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/middleeast/middleeastmountains.html

1) A region of Guyana west of the Essequibo River is also claimed by which bordering country?
2) What term is used for the imaginary line on Earth that marks the boundary where one day ends and the next begins?
3) China and which Southeast Asian country border the Gulf of Tonkin?
4) Mines near Bogota make this South American country one of the world’s leading producers of emeralds.
5) Which state is known as the cornhusker state?
6) Name the largest city on the island of Taiwan.
7) The Inland Sea borders three of the four major islands that make up which country in Asia?
8) The Cayman Islands are a dependency of which European country?
9) Saginaw bay lies off the coast of which state?
10) The Seine River is to France as the Orinioco River is to what?
11) Which country in Europe is famous for its fjords – Norway, Spain, Switzerland?
12) Sinhala is the principal language of which island country off the coast of South Asia?
13) The Gulf of Oman is to the Arabian Sea as the Gulf of Tonkin is to what?
14) Ruins of centuries-old pueblos can be found in which state – Minnesota or New Mexico?
15) Which large country bordering the Coral and Arafura Seas has a population more than 85 % urban?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 4/18

Map - Same as last week: all of Asia - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/asia3.html

1) Pearls are harvested in the Sulu Archipelago, a group of islands off the coast of which country?
2) Central America’s most populous country has more than 12 million people. It borders Mexico. Name it.
3) What country on the Mediterranean Sea endured over 10 years of civil war between two groups, Muslims and Christians?
4) Which U.S. site is the location of the United States depository for silver?
5) Since 1797, what commercial center on the Erie Canal has been the capital of New York?
6) Chapultepec Park, which was once the site for Aztec rulers, is in what capital city?
7) Oil production in the United Arab Emirates is centered on the country’s capital city. Name the city.
8) Which country, once under the control of Ghengis Khan, has an economy dependent on cashmere and wool?
9) Which country is bordered by the Netherlands and Denmark?
10) Which state is known as the Ocean state because of its 400 miles of coastline?
11) Which country does not have English as an official language – Bahamas, Costa Rica, Jamaica?
12) Which country’s government continues to struggle with flood abatement projects along the Po River.
13) Peanuts are the principal export of this African country that is almost completely surrounded by Senegal. Name it.
14) Most Sikhs live in an Indian state that shares its name with a region that was divided between India and Pakistan in 1947.
15) In 1980, the United States broke diplomatic relations with what country? -

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

American Government - Supreme Court Case Studies


1.) Complete the worksheets completely. Responses of unduly abbreviated length will get little to no credit. In other words, fill up the space provided.
2.) Write your case study. Requirements:
* 1 page per case study
* Title of the case at top of page
* 1.5 line spacing, size 12 font, normal margins
* Content:
- Summarize the case
- Analyze the arguments (Are they strong or weak? Where do they fall apart? What makes them persuasive? etc.)
- Which side do you take? What is your argument? Explain your reasoning.
3.) Bibliography - turn in on a separate sheet of paper, titled Bibliography
- Each case study must be supported by two sources. One may be an encyclopedic source, such as Wikipediea, but the other should be a .Edu website - or some other site approved by me.
- Use this website to fill out your bibliography: http://citationmachine.net/ - Use MLA style.

Some useful websites:









Monday, April 11, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - week of 4/11/11

Map - Asia: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/asia3.html


1) Name the sea that has a warming effect on the climate on Germany’s Northwestern coast.
2) A major nickel deposit was discovered on the mainland of Newfoundland near what sea?
3) Mother Teresa’s work among the poor was centered in which Indian city – Bombay, Kolkata, Madras?
4) What vegetable is most often associated with the states of Maine and Idaho?
5) Which state is not a major producer of wheat – Connecticut, Montana, N. Dakota?
6) The city of Reykjavik originated on the site of the first Viking farmsteads of what island country?
7) A Hutu majority and Tutsi minority make up most of the population of what African country?
8) Which island is farther north - Ellesmere Island, Ireland, Sicily?
9) Lake Havasu, on the Arizona-California border, was created when a dam was built across what river?
10) The largest group of freshwater lakes is on what continent?
11) Which cape is part of Massachusetts – Cape Cod or Cape Hatteras?
12) Which state borders more states – Missouri or Wisconsin?
13) What country has the world’s largest reserves of natural gas?
14) Friesland, Limburg, and Zeeland are provinces in which European country?
15) A booming economy has given which European country the nickname, the Celtic Tiger?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 4/5/2011

Map - Middle Eastern Countries: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/MidEast.html


1) Which state is not a leading producer of coal – New Hampshire, W. Virginia, Wyoming?
2) Many of Russia’s industrial centers have developed on the banks of this river that flows into the Caspian Sea. Name it.
3) The Jaffna Peninsula, a region inhabited by Tamils, forms the northern tip of what island country off the coast of India?
4) Cinco de Mayo is a holiday celebrated by immigrants from which country?
5) Cliff Dwellings constructed by the Anasazi can be found in Mesa Verde park, which is located in which state?
6) Coral reefs are found off the coast of which state – Connecticut or Florida?
7) Geothermal activity caused by diverging tectonic plates creates steaming hot springs in Thingvellir National Park. This national park is in what island country – Iceland, Japan, Madagascar?
8) The Delaware River separates New Jersey from which other state – Pennsylvania or Massachusetts?
9) Sareks National Park is in one of the most remote parts of which country that borders the Gulf of Bothnia – Estonia, Finland, Sweden.
10) Before the rise of cotton, African slaves were used to in the Americas to farm indigo, rice, sugarcane, and what other plantation crop – pineapples, tea, tobacco?
11) Most people of what continent speak either Portuguese or Spanish?
12) France’s largest overseas department borders the Atlantic Ocean. Name the department. (French Guiana, Gabon, Haiti).
13) Which country has four official languages, including Romansh, which is based on Ancient Latin – Canada, Switzerland, Italy?
14) Which country is not predominantly Muslim – Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa?
15) The Guadalupe River flows past New Braunfels and Victoria in which U.S. state?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 3/29

Map: Asian Rivers - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Asia/AsiaRivers.html


1) What is the term for the prevailing winds occurring between 30 and 60 degrees north latitude that helped carry European explorers from the Americas back to Europe?
2) Oranjestad is the chief port of what island off the coast of Venezuela?
3) Uzbek is a Turkic language spoken primarily in the countries of which continent?
4) Andorra is located in what mountain system?
5) Name the only national capital city on the island of New Guinea.
6) The river that forms part of Mauritania’s southern border shares its name with what bordering country - Algeria, Mali, Senegal?
7) Which islands, located about ½ way between North America and Asia, served as a U.S. naval station near the site of a famous WW II battle?
8) Which country does not use a peso as its method of currency – Mexico, Italy, of Philippines?
9) Which state has a longer border with Mexico – Texas or New Mexico?
10) What is the name for the part of the map that explains the meaning of symbols used on the map – scale, index, legend?
11) The Adriatic Sea borders the eastern coast of which European country?
12) Which state is farther from the Mississippi – Indiana or West Virginia?
13) Some of the oldest sagas, stories based on history and legend, were written in the 13th century in what island country in the North Atlantic?
14) To see the U.S.S. Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor, you would travel to what U.S. state?
15) To visit the Forbidden City in Beijing or to walk the Great Wall, you would travel to what country?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 3/14

Daily Geo and Map: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Africa/AfricaRivers.html

1) Springfield, Missouri is located on which landform – the Ozark Plateau or the Menominee Range?
2) Which state is not a leading producer of oil – Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas?
3) The Prime Meridian is which degree of longitude – 0, 180, 90?
4) What theory explains the shifting positions and ongoing movement of the continents?
5) On which continent did Simon Bolivar lead a revolution that resulted in many countries gaining their independence from Spain?
6) Which river flows from its source on the Tibetan Plateau through Pakistan before draining into the Arabian Sea?
7) Lake Superior borders which state – Illinois or Minnesota?
8) Which state is not a leading producer of cheese – California, Delaware, Wisconsin?
9) In what country do more than 25 % of the population live in or around Dublin?
10) What language do more people speak as their mother tongue than any other language – Mandarin, English, Hindi?
11) The population of Australia rapidly increased during the 1850s as a result of – gold mining, logging, sheep ranching?
12) The Mayflower and the Titanic are two famous ships that began their transatlantic voyage from which British port city – Plymouth, Portsmouth, Southampton ?
13) The discovery of animal fossils on Antarctica proves that is once had a milder climate. This supports which theory?
14) The majority of the population of Kandahar is Pashtun. This city is located in the southern part of which landlocked country?
15) Which city was founded as a fort between Lake Eerie and Lake Huron and became a manufacturing powerhouse?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

African Culture

Choose three of the following topics. For each one, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining a strange/different aspect of these in Africa. The objective is for you to appreciate that around the world, people have many different beliefs and ways of doings things, some of which we find very strange. You should get an idea of African culture.

For each paragraph, you must include the website source you used.

- Marriage ceremonies
- Rites of passage
- Tatoo / piercing
- Clothing
- Religion
- Food
- Homes
- Water
- Women's roles
- Men's roles

Due on Friday - 3/12

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of March 1st

Map - African Lakes: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Africa/AfricaLakes.html

1) Which of the following is not a country in Eastern Europe - Albania, Mauritania, Romania?
2) In February 2004, scientists began a tiger census in which country bordering India?
3) Which state has a mountain range along its coast – Massachusetts or Oregon?
4) Which state does not have a coastline – Georgia, Kentucky, or New York?
5) Loam, a kind of soil valued by farmers, is a mixture of sand, silt, and what other material?
6) Pineapples and which other crop are Hawaii’s chief plantation crop – Bananas, Rice, or Sugarcane?
7) Luanda is a major port in which African country?
8) Although Sierra Leone’s language has Portuguese origins, what is its official language?
9) What country, where Toros coleados is practiced, borders Guyana?
10) The hajj is- the pilgrimage made by followers of what religion that began in the Middle East?
11) What two Caribbean countries were the last two Spanish colonies in the Americas?
12) What country was the center for the Dutch East India and West India Companies?
13) Which TWO tectonic plates meet to form the San Andreas fault?
14) Yellowstone National Park touches what other national park?
15) The second largest desert in the world lies to the east of the Sahara Desert. Name it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unrest in Africa - Newspaper Article Summaries

Read two newspaper articles about unrest and violence in two of these Africa countries: Tunisia, Libya, or Egypt.

Eash summary should be 7-10 sentences.

Go to http://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn to research.

Include the website address on your typed summaries.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - 2/15/11

Map: All of Africa. You better study. This one is tougher than all of Europe: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/africa.html

(You need to answer 5 of the 10 questions below)

1) What water supply systems were architectural masterpieces constructed by Roman engineers?
2) What is the process of crossbreeding in plants to produce desired traits?
3) What Indian feast involved giving away property or destroying it?
4) What sect of Buddhism favors meditation rather than scripture to attain enlightenment?
5) Much of Botswana is covered by what southern African desert?
6) Which Indians built the first cliff dwellings in the 1200s near present day Navajo, New Mexico?
7) What is Spain’s longest river?
8) In what year did the United States take its first census?
9) In the Islamic religion, what name is given to the head of a Mosque?
10) An industrial center on the Dnieper river, what is the capital of the Ukraine

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Western European Wedding Traditions

Go to this site: http://www.worldweddingtraditions.com/locations/west_europe_traditions.html

For each of the countries listed on this page, write down one of their interesting wedding traditions. List the country and the tradition.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - 2/1/11

Map: European Rivers - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Europe/Europe%20Rivers.html

1) In which cardinal direction would one travel to get to Panama from Cuba?
2) What French city on the Sarthe River is known for its 24 hour-long car race?
3) What theatre in downtown Washington D.C. was the site of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination?
4) Of which area are mosquitoes in greater number – tropical rain forest or tundra?
5) What is the official language of Pakistan?
6) What point occupies the southernmost point of Africa?
7) Dinosaur fossils from North America came from what geologic time scale period?
8) What dam was built in 1936 to span the Colorado River?
9) Kit Carson and John Fremont discovered what lake in 1844 which lies between Nevada and California?
10) What is the sacred month on the Islamic calendar which involves fasting from sunup to sundown?
11) The region called Kashmir lies in what Asian country?
12) What famous English prison was the home for Anne Boleyn?
13) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
14) English is the 2nd most spoken language in the world. What is the 1st?
15) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 1/25

All of Europe: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/europe.html

1) Chennai, the city in eastern India formerly known as Madras, is a port on which large bay?
Bay of Bengal Gwatar Bay Sonmiani Bay
2) Liverpool, historically an important city in England, is a port on which sea that separates England from Ireland?
Celtic Sea Irish Sea North Sea
3) What country’s agricultural region is located near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
4) Which country is not crossed by the Arctic Circle- Canada, Finland or Poland?
5) The temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri is on the west bank of which African river?
Niger Nile Orange
6) Re and Osiris were among the gods of an ancient civilization that developed along a river that flows north into the Mediterranean Sea. Name this river.
7) Dubrovnik is considered one of the most scenic cities along the Dalmatian coast of what country?
8) Place these lakes in order according to their surface area, from largest to smallest: Lake Titicaca, Lake Huron, Lake Baikal.
9) The westernmost part of the Jura Mountains is located in which country?
10) To fly directly from Brazil to Angola, you would travel in which general direction- east or north?
11) The Tatar Strait separates Sakhalin Island from the mainland of which country?
12) In the southwestern United States, a Spanish word is commonly used for a streambed that is usually dry except after heavy rains. What is the term for this kind of intermittent stream?
13) Houston, the country’s second largest port, is located in which state- Texas or Florida?
14) Place these countries in order according to length of their coastlines, from longest to shortest: Guyana, Colombia, Chile.
15) Tropical rain forests are found on every continent except Antarctica and which other continent?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Daily Geo and Map Test: Week of 1/18

Map: Eastern Europe: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Eastern%20Europe.html

1) What city on the Delaware River is Pennsylvania’s largest?
2) What Nazi concentration camp in Poland was equipped with gas chambers?
3) What is the 2nd largest city and the principal southern port of France?
4) What American President signed the Panama Canal Treaty in 1977?
5) What present day country was the home of the ancient civilization of the Phoenicians?
6) Though today it is a part Michigan Avenue, what was the first settlement of Chicago?
7) What desert of northwestern Mexico is part of the southwestern United States and Arizona.
8) Russians and Bulgarians use what Alphabet?
9) On what island was the colony of New Amsterdam founded?
10) What name is given to tropical rainforest vegetation of evergreens and heavy vines located in the Amazon Basin?
11) What feature does a contour map show?
12) Byzantium and Constantinople are what modern-day Turkish city?
13) Which country of Europe lies on the Jutland Peninsula?
14) What world famous gambling casino lies in Monaco?
15) Which continent has no timberline?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daily Geo and Map Test: Week of 1/10

Map: Western Europe - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Western%20Europe.html

1) What city is the site of Mardi Gras and the birthplace of jazz?
2) What river forms the natural boundary between Colorado and Utah?
3) What colony in the 1800s was considered the “Crown Jewel” in British Empire?
4) Who did Spanish monarchs (kings) put in charge of their colonies in the New World?
5) What sea lies to the east of the Balkan peninsula?
6) Name the North African country that became independent of France in 1962
7) Fairbanks, Alaska, lies on what river of Alaska and Canada?
8) Which European nation is the home of NATO?
9) What gambling and divorce center is located on the Truckee River in Nevada?
10) Reims is the wine capital of what French Wine which has a secret formula which includes sugar?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daily Geo and Map Test: Week of 1/4

Map Test: South American Rivers, Lakes, and Seas: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/SouthAmerica/SouthAmericaWater.html

1) The Apennines are to Italy as the Elburz Mountains are to what?
2) Chittagong, a major port city near the mouth of the Karnaphuli River, is located in which South Asian country that borders Myanmar and India?
3) The Pharos lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was located in the harbor of Alexandria. This city is in what country in northern Africa?
4) The largest city in Wisconsin was a major center for German immigration between 1840 and 1900. Name this city.
5) In October 2004, scientists reported the discovery of a dwarf human species that lived about 18,000 years ago on the island of Flores in which Southeast Asian country?
6) Which city is located on a delta – Austin, New Orleans, Oklahoma City
7) Which state is not part of New England – Connecticut, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania?
8) The city of Victoria is on the largest island on Canada’s western coast. Name the island.
9) What is the term for tremors or vibrations that sometimes follow earthquakes?
10) Which city, located on the West bank of the Yamuna River, is home to the Taj Majal?
11) Which island is politically a part of Italy - Sardinia or Majorca?
12) The largest city in Slovakia is located on the Danube River near the country’s borders with Austria and Hungary. Name the city.
13) Uralic languages are spoken in Estonia, Finland, and what country where Budapest is located?
14) The St. Lawrence flows out of the easternmost of the Great Lakes. Name the lake.
15) Arabs from Africa named a large rock Gibraltar as they landed on what large European Peninsula