Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10th Grade Project - 1950s Presentation Topics

Topic Choices:
Teller and the hydrogen bomb
Oppenheimer and resistance to "Super"
Guatemala and the CIA
Iran and the CIA
French war in Indo-China
Hell's Angels and the growth of motorcycle gangs
Korean War
Occupation of Japan
Development of shopping malls
Bill Levitt, Levittown and suburbia
Interstate Highway System
Domestic testing of atomic weapons and impact
Birth of fast food industry
Improvements in agricultural yields
Emmett Till
1950s Trinidad
1950s teenage fashions
Detroit and auto production
Development of the U2 spy plane
Development of SAC
Public School Integration (Brown v. Board of Education 1954)
Macarthur and Korean conflict
GI Bill
Strength of American heavy industry
World military (general)
Early NASA space program
Joe McCarthy and red-baiting
Hillary's ascent of Everest
Atomimc-powered naval vessels
Mao Zedong and "Great Leap Forward"
Castro topples regime in Cuba
10th Mountain Division and the creation of Colorado ski resorts
Roots of Rock and Roll
Birth control pill

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