Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - 2/1/11

Map: European Rivers -

1) In which cardinal direction would one travel to get to Panama from Cuba?
2) What French city on the Sarthe River is known for its 24 hour-long car race?
3) What theatre in downtown Washington D.C. was the site of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination?
4) Of which area are mosquitoes in greater number – tropical rain forest or tundra?
5) What is the official language of Pakistan?
6) What point occupies the southernmost point of Africa?
7) Dinosaur fossils from North America came from what geologic time scale period?
8) What dam was built in 1936 to span the Colorado River?
9) Kit Carson and John Fremont discovered what lake in 1844 which lies between Nevada and California?
10) What is the sacred month on the Islamic calendar which involves fasting from sunup to sundown?
11) The region called Kashmir lies in what Asian country?
12) What famous English prison was the home for Anne Boleyn?
13) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
14) English is the 2nd most spoken language in the world. What is the 1st?
15) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?

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