Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 5/16/11


1) What monument built by Napoleon is the entombment of he Unknown Soldier of France?
2) Name three of the four countries in Europe whose names end in “y”.
3) English is only the second most spoken language in the world. What is the first?
4) What famous English prison was the home of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.
5) At almost 900 feet in elevation, in what state is the “Devil’s Tower” found?
6) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
7) Mt. Hood can be send from what major city in Oregon?
8) The Niger River flows into what body of water?
9) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?
10) What South African won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?
11) What is the second largest city and the principal southern port of France?
12) What city is the center of the automobile industry in Italy?
13) Name the rift valley that stretches from the Middle East to East Africa?
14) What chief port of South China lies off the Hsi River?
15) What American President signed the Panama Canal Peace Treaty in 1977?

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