Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 5/16/11


1) What monument built by Napoleon is the entombment of he Unknown Soldier of France?
2) Name three of the four countries in Europe whose names end in “y”.
3) English is only the second most spoken language in the world. What is the first?
4) What famous English prison was the home of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.
5) At almost 900 feet in elevation, in what state is the “Devil’s Tower” found?
6) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
7) Mt. Hood can be send from what major city in Oregon?
8) The Niger River flows into what body of water?
9) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?
10) What South African won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?
11) What is the second largest city and the principal southern port of France?
12) What city is the center of the automobile industry in Italy?
13) Name the rift valley that stretches from the Middle East to East Africa?
14) What chief port of South China lies off the Hsi River?
15) What American President signed the Panama Canal Peace Treaty in 1977?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10th Grade Project - 1950s Presentation Topics

Topic Choices:
Teller and the hydrogen bomb
Oppenheimer and resistance to "Super"
Guatemala and the CIA
Iran and the CIA
French war in Indo-China
Hell's Angels and the growth of motorcycle gangs
Korean War
Occupation of Japan
Development of shopping malls
Bill Levitt, Levittown and suburbia
Interstate Highway System
Domestic testing of atomic weapons and impact
Birth of fast food industry
Improvements in agricultural yields
Emmett Till
1950s Trinidad
1950s teenage fashions
Detroit and auto production
Development of the U2 spy plane
Development of SAC
Public School Integration (Brown v. Board of Education 1954)
Macarthur and Korean conflict
GI Bill
Strength of American heavy industry
World military (general)
Early NASA space program
Joe McCarthy and red-baiting
Hillary's ascent of Everest
Atomimc-powered naval vessels
Mao Zedong and "Great Leap Forward"
Castro topples regime in Cuba
10th Mountain Division and the creation of Colorado ski resorts
Roots of Rock and Roll
Birth control pill

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daily Geo and Map - Week of 5/10/11

Map - Australia: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Australia/Australia.html

Daily Geo Questions:

1) Vicksburg, Mississippi borders the Mississippi River and what state – Arkansas or Louisiana?
2) What cave system is the world’s longest?
3) Great Falls and Helena lie on or near what major river?
4) Little Havana is found in what American city?
5) What was the site of the first permanent settlement in California in 1769?
6) What city of the French Riviera is known for its annual film festival?
7) What is Ireland’s longest river?
8) What cold ocean current sweeps the north Atlantic coast of Canada and the United States?
9) What forest was the scene of the 1940 German offensive to break the Maginot Line?
10) Name the mountain range that extends more than 1,000 miles from Kazakhstan’s northern border to the Arctic Ocean?
11) Which state has a humid subtropical climate-South Carolina or South Dakota?
12) To visit Ernest Hemingway’s home in Havana, one would travel to what country?
13) Name the country that is bordered by the Mediterranean, Black, and Aegean seas?
14) Which of the following is not a country in Eastern Europe – Albania, Mauritania, Romania?
15) Berbers and what other Muslim people make up most of the population in Algeria, Morocco, and Libya?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Geo - Week of 5/3/11

Map: Asia Mountains - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Asia/AsiaMountains.html

Daily Geo

1) Many Irish immigrated to the United States in the mid-1800s due to the failure of what crop?
2) To learn about the history of the Crow Indians, which state would you travel to?
3) Which technology uses satellites to determine coordinates of a specific location on the earth’s surface?
4) Most of Turkey’s land area is located on which continent?
5) Which place would be more dangerous during a flash flood – a mesa or an arroyo?
6) Which African city was established at the head of the Nile River Delta more than 1000 years ago – Asmara, Cairo, Tripoli?
7) What country lost about half its population between 1865 and 1870 in a disastrous war with Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina?
8) The largest country in Central Asia lies between the Caspian Sea and China. Name the country.
9) The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in which ocean?
10) Which river forms much of Oklahoma’s border with Texas?
11) What word is used to describe the side of a mountain that faces the prevailing winds?
12) The source of the Rio Grande is located in the southwest corner of what state?
13) The Canary Islands are closer to which continent – Africa or Asia?
14) The Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meet in Pittsburgh to form what other river?
15) Which country has Lake Eyre as its lowest point and Mount Kosciuszko as its highest point?