Friday, March 5, 2010

Daily Geo 3/9 - 3/12

Map Test: South America -

1) A region of Guyana west of the Essequibo River is also claimed by which bordering country?
2) What term is used for the imaginary line on Earth that marks the boundary where one day ends and the next begins?
3) China and which Southeast Asian country border the Gulf of Tonkin?
4) Mines near Bogota make this South American country one of the world’s leading producers of emeralds.
5) Which state is known as the cornhusker state?
6) Name the largest city on the island of Taiwan.
7) The Inland Sea borders three of the four major islands that make up which country in Asia?
8) The Cayman Islands are a dependency of which European country?
9) Saginaw bay lies off the coast of which state?
10) The Seine River is to France as the Orinioco River is to what?
11) Which country in Europe is famous for its fjords – Norway, Spain, Switzerland?
12) Sinhala is the principal language of which island country off the coast of South Asia?
13) The Gulf of Oman is to the Arabian Sea as the Gulf of Tonkin is to what?
14) Ruins of centuries-old pueblos can be found in which state – Minnesota or New Mexico?
15) Which large country bordering the Coral and Arafura Seas has a population more than 85 % urban?

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