Monday, September 28, 2009

Daily Geo and Map Test 9/29 - 10/2

Map Test: The World's Longest Rivers

1. Which of Earth’s four oceans in the smallest?
2. What is the term for the ecosystem generally consisting of broadleaf evergreen trees that is found in wet tropical areas such as the Amazon basin?
3. In April 2004, the parliament in Vilnius impeached president Rolandes Paksas following accusations that he violated the constitution of which European country?
4. Although nearly 1,000 miles from the coast, a city near the confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon is accessible to oceangoing vessels. Name this port city.
Manaus Montevideo
5. More than 80 million people live in the European Union’s most populous member country. Name this country.
Austria Germany London
6. Which country, made up of more than 13,000 islands, has the second largest area of tropical rain forest after Brazil?
Brunei Indonesia Malaysia
7. Which country has a higher percentage of arable land- Venezuela or Nigeria?
8. Which country does not border the Dead Sea- Jordan, Egypt or Israel?
9. The northwestern part of the Cordillera de Talamanca is located in a Central American country that has no army and a long democratic tradition. Name this country.
10. Lake Constance is bordered by Germany, Austria, and what other country?
France Poland Switzerland
11. Oregon and Idaho share the Columbia Plateau with which other state?
12. Magyars are the largest ethnic group in a Central European country that borders Slovakia. Name this country.
Czech Republic Hungary Ukraine
13. Which fragmented state on the island of Borneo is separated into two parts by Malaysia?
14. Which factor determines whether a prairie region has tall grasses or short grasses?
the amount of precipitation the amount of wind
15. The union of the principalities of Moldavia and Walachia in the mid-1800’s led to independence for which European country?

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