Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daily Geo and Map Test - 9/15 - 9/18

Map Test: World Continents

1) What is North America’s oldest mountain range?
2) In what year did India gain its independence from Great Britain - 1927, 1937, 1947?
3) What country is located off of the southern coast of India?
4) What former British Mandate was carved up to make way for Israel in 1947?
5) What country suffered the most casualties in World War II – Germany, Soviet Union, or Japan?
6) Name the bay which lies between Maryland and Virginia.
7) What peninsula of North American extends along the Pacific coast of Mexico and touches California?
8) What is the change in the path of wind movement caused by the earth’s rotation?
9) Mercedes-Benz is produced mainly in which European country?
10) What tributary of the Mississippi River meets at Cairo, Illinois?
11) How many hours of daylight does the equator experience on the September equinox - 6, 12, 18?
12) What is the capital of Liberia?
13) What is Canada's easternmost province?
14) Which continent is second largest in population – North America, Africa, Australia, or Europe?
15) St. Petersburg, Russia is adjacent to which water body?

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