Wednesday, February 25, 2009

World Economies and Governments - Geography Assignment 2/25/09


This project is due Friday at the beginning of class. You will be in the Computer Lab today and tomorrow to work on it. You will likely have to work on this using your own time as well.


Your major resource for this project will be the CIA World Factbook, a website which gives incredible details about every country in the world, from types of governments to common infectious diseases found there.


Your task is to research two different countries. They have to be from two different continents. You are to compare / contrast their types of government, economies, and respective histories.

1.) One one page: summarize the historical and economic history of each country. Describe the government type of each.
2.) On the next page: Make two columns, one labeled Similarities, and one labeled Differences. List similarities and differences between these two countries.
3.) Then, make a folder for me in your folder on the student server. In this folder, make a folder for each country you are researching. Here you will 1.) Save the maps of each country you find on the CIA site, and 2.) Save a minimum of 3 pictures that represent the resources of the countries you are researching. For example, if a country relies on lobster fishing, you'd need to find a picture of a lobster.

How to navigate the website:

When you get to the site, click on the drop down box and browse through the list of countries. Select one at a time.

On the top right hand side of the page, you'll see a box labeled categories. You are responsible for reading the introduction, government, and economy tabs.

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