Friday, October 17, 2008

Presidential Debate

Which Presidential candidate do you support and why? What are some of the issues you take most seriously?

Environment, Abortion, War, Taxes, Size of Government, Women's Rights, Minority Rights, Poverty, Foreign Policy etc...

You must make one of your own comments and respond to one of your classmates.


hoehne12BigEasy said...

I think that neither of them won the debate becouse they both were acting like a bunch of highschool girls yelling at eachother instead of tell us what there going to do about some of the important situations that are atlarge and a big concern here in the united states.

hoehne12boooda said...

I support obmahoma because he can do some good for the community and goverment.

hoehne12_carah said...

Okay ill be truthful.I havent been following the presidential debate but im goin to tell you how i fell about some of these things.
okay about the abortions i feel that they are wrong,if ur goin to be doin stuff and u become pregnant then deal wit it! the baby never did anything to u. they have no right to die.
and about the war. i feel that we should just call it over a.nd start bringing our soliders back slowly, so that way they can get everything some what cleaned up

Hoehne12 said...

I dont really like either one of the candidates for the presidential election. I dont like politics so i am not going to answer the question.

Hoehne12 said...

I dont really like either one of the candidates for the presidential election. I dont like politics so i am not going to answer the question.

hoehne12adam said...

hey dude i like the obabma guy hes pretty chill and a good speaker he get my attention and explains him self real well. i dont like john bec he interrupts and seems real shady and gets angry with things obama talks about

ChellyPunk said...

I think Obama is a waste. McCain does not get enough credit for his opinion and honest effort through this election. Obama is comparing McCain to Bush which is childish that he cannot pick things out about McCain as himself he has to go off of others from the previous election

hoehne12FrenchToast said...

There's something wrong with Obmahoma, he seems very sketchy. Macain, seems like he's lead us down the same road Bush did. Sorry if you like Bush. I certainly don't. Both canidates have issues, and worries. Yet both may be the next greatest president. Who knows? So, I vote neither as well.

hoehne 12 football54 said...

I would like to agree to disagree with bigeasy. I am going to go with Obama. He is more together! McCain is going to have to pull his head out of his but and do something productive for America!

randi said...

Umm... I really dont care about this election. Its not like are vote counts anyways...So what would be the point of feeling out a ballet when you vote doesnt count its a waste of time...