Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Most Dangerous Game Questions - Due Monday

Directions: You may either type or write out your answers to the following questions. Answers should be between 1-3 sentences for Part 1. Answers should be between 5-7 sentences for Part 2.


*****PART 1*****

What do the following phrases mean:
1) "He lived a year in a minute."
2) "I am still a beast at bay."

The answers to the following questions can be found in the text:
3) In which sea has Connell set Ship-Trap island?
4) How is Zaroff able to finance his life style?
5) If Rainsford wins the hunt what does Zaroff promise him?
6) Where does Rainsford spend the first night of his hunt?
7) How many acres did Zaroff's father have in the Crimea?
8) Why does Zaroff suggest Rainsford wear moccasins?

In your own words:

9) What experience of hunting has Rainsford had?
10) Describe Zaroff's dining room.

*****Part 2****** (CHOOSE 6 of the following 10 to answer)

1.)What caused Rainsford to believe Zaroff knew he was hiding in the tree? Do you think he was right? Give reasons.

2.) How does Zaroff stock his island with 'game'?

3.) What happened to General Zaroff at the end of the story?

4.) In spite of being hurt, Zaroff congratulates Rainsford on his 'Malay mancatcher', why?

5.) How do we know Rainsford is an exceptionally fit man?

6.) Do you agree that hunting is the 'best sport in the world'?

7.) Do you agree with Zaroff that 'instinct is no match for reason'?

8.) Why has Zaroff chosen an island for his sport?

9.) To what extent does the author use descriptions of Zaroff's looks to define his character?

10.) Do you think Rainsford's attitude towards hunting changes through the story?

EXTRA CREDIT: 20 Points Draw a map of Ship-Trap island as described in the story.

Questions have been borrowed from East of the Web

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