Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Natural Disasters Paper

You will be writing an article describing a major natural disaster. Your first job is to choose a disaster to research. Make sure that there are enough sources to write an article. For instance, the dike bursting in the Netherlands in 1228 may not have enough.

Here is a website that lists 66 major disasters dating back to the 1100s. http://across.co.nz/WorldsWorstDisasters.html

How to do the Research

You should be reputable academic websites. In order to pull up only .edu websites, go to google, type in your search terms, space, then type in exactly - site:.edu
This will tell Google to bring back only Academic websites.

You can also use access.newspaperarchive.com This has newspaper articles going back to the 1700s.

Keep track of all the sources you use in a separate word document, so that it will be easy to complete your Bibliography.

Things to include:

* You should use as many primary sources as possible. Try to get original newspaper articles and firsthand accounts to make your story more exciting.

* Include a separate Bibliography page, citing your sources properly. Here is a great website that does it for you. Just enter the data and it will spit out the proper format. Then copy and paste that into your word document. USE THE MLA version.

* Remember, this should be between 500-600 words.

* Creative options: You may present your story as a newspaper article set at the time of the event. You may also write it as a journal, or diary.

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