Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Questions to Answer about Middle East

Name: ______________________ Israel and Palestine: The Roots of Conflict

Who is involved in this conflict?

What region is at the heart of the conflict? Describe the claim that both groups have on this region.

What is Israel? When was it founded and by whom?

What is the Zionist Movement?

Describe the role of the United States in the establishment of Israel, a Jewish state?

How did the Holocaust affect the formation of a Jewish homeland?

What is the PLO? Whom does it represent?

What do Israel’s Arab neighbors think about them?

What was the intifada? Who was involved? What caused it?

What effect did WW II have on the conflict?

What caused the rise of militant Islam? What is Hamas?

What official position did these people have? What country did each represent? What are they most famous for?

Yasser Arafat:
Menachem Begin:
Anwar Sadat:
Jimmy Carter:
Yitzhak Rabin:
Bill Clinton:
Simon Peres:
Benjamin Netanyahu:
Ehud Barak:
Ariel Sharon:

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