Friday, October 24, 2008

Educational System in Finland

Dear Americana Students,

My name in Sven. Please pardon English. Working still am I on it. I vould like you to learn about education system in my country, Finland. No offense to you, but Finland is one of the best systems in the world. The United States seems to be having problems. I vould like for you to explain to me why you think that is.

Here is the main link to my country's educational system:,4699

Here also is good blog about our system. Click here to learn more.

Please, research this site. It would be great if you set up your own blog so you could make comments right here on Mr. Dula's blog. He is so vonderful.

I vant you to compare / contrast our two educational systeems. You must make notes today. More stuff coming next week. Compare when kids start school, structure of schools, what they study, how schools are funded, etc...

I vant you to turn into that vonderful man, Mr. Dula, all the vriting you have completed by end of period. Ve vill vork more on thees tuesday.



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