Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Odyssey - Reading for Weekend

On this page, find the book you were assigned. Read it over the weekend. On Monday, we will be spending some time finding pictures to represent your section.

Presentations on Wednesday.

Odysseus - Shmoop Overview Quiz

Click Link:

Code: DHJ9XV

AP Lit and Comp - Poetry Terms Quiz

On the link you place the arrow
Like on a limb a tiny sparrow
Click the link and enter the code
And wonder, wonder is this an ode?

Code: FP4BBW

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sentence Fragments

Take the Pretest by clicking the link below:

Make sure to write down your results. You will receive 4 scores. Each score will give you an idea of which type(s) of sentence fragment(s) you are having issues with, if any.

After you complete that, correct these paragraphs found here:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

12th Grade Reading Test

Click the blue link below, and then enter your name and the code.

Code: 4AKD

AP Poetry Links

Follow this link to the list of poems:

From the list of poems below, you and a partner will choose / be assigned one.

Arnold - Dover Beach

Bishop - In the Waiting Room

Browning - My Last Duchess

Donne - A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

Frost - Mending Wall

Carolyn Forche - The Colonel

Hughes - Let America be America

Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn

Thomas - Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Using all of the resources on that site, our poorly edited and yet informative poetry packet, and whatever else you may wish to utilize, you will teach this poem to the class.

* Include brief author biography, highlighting any possible relevance to the poem.
* Use photographs to represent images / allusions in the poem.
* Annotate / Paraphrase
* Identify the use of literary devices and be prepared to discuss their effectiveness.

Each of you will turn in a one-page reflection paper on your poem. All due Thursday.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

11th Grade - Main Idea and Sequence of Events

Code: GNFM2D

Use the short story to answer the matching section. Match the events to the order in which they occur.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Brit and World Lit - Edith Hamilton Part One - Quiz

When you click on the link below, enter your first and last name and then the access code:


All questions and answers are randomized.

Click on this link: