Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Geo and Map 4/27 - 4/30

Map: Southern Africa-http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/Southernafrica.html

1) What is North America’s oldest mountain range?
2) In what year did India gain its independence from Great Britain - 1927, 1937, 1947?
3) What country is located off of the southern coast of India?
4) What former British Mandate was carved up to make way for Israel in 1947?
5) What country suffered the most casualties in World War II – Germany, Soviet Union, or Japan?
6) Name the bay which lies between Maryland and Virginia.
7) What peninsula of North American extends along the Pacific coast of Mexico and touches California?
8) What is the change in the path of wind movement caused by the earth’s rotation?
9) Mercedes-Benz is produced mainly in which European country?
10) What tributary of the Mississippi River meets at Cairo, Illinois?
11) How many hours of daylight does the equator experience on the September equinox - 6, 12, 18?
12) What is the capital of Liberia?
13) What is Canada's easternmost province?
14) Which continent is second largest in population – North America, Africa, Australia, or Europe?
15) St. Petersburg, Russia is adjacent to which water body?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Geo 4/20-4/23

Map: Central Africa- http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/CentralAfrica.html

1) The giant tortoises of Aldabra live on an atoll in the island country that lies off the northeast coast of the Comoros Islands. Name the country.
2) Which country is not a major producer of petroleum – Algeria, Saudi Arabia, or France?
3) The Kuna, a people known for their colorful clothing, are native to the southernmost country in Central America. What country?
4) To see dingoes in the wild, you would travel to what country?
5) The Freedom Trail is in what New England port city?
6) What is the term for the lower limit of permanent snow cover on a mountain?
7) Which country is not considered a part of Southeast Asia – Iran, Laos, Thailand?
8) Mangrove trees, alligators, and manatees are commonly associated with what state?
9) To tour the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Finger Lakes, you would travel to what state?
10) The first successful airplane flight by the Wright Brothers occurred 100 years ago at Kitty Hawk in which U.S. state?
11) Lace headpieces were a traditional part of the peasant dress in a region where the seaport city of Brest is located. This region known for its Celtic influence is located in which country?
12) Which present-day state included parts of Alabama and Mississippi when it was founded?
13) What is the term for a tax that makes goods imported by a country more costly than similar goods produced within that country?
14) What is the specific term for a line on a map that connects points of equal temperature?
15) What large island is located about 200 miles northwest of Iceland?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Geo 4/13 -4/16

Map: Northern Africa - http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/NorthernAfrica.html

1) What monument built by Napoleon is the entombment of he Unknown Soldier of France?
2) Name three of the four countries in Europe whose names end in “y”.
3) English is only the second most spoken language in the world. What is the first?
4) What famous English prison was the home of Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.
5) At almost 900 feet in elevation, in what state is the “Devil’s Tower” found?
6) Canada consists of ten provinces. What is the smallest?
7) Mt. Hood can be send from what major city in Oregon?
8) The Niger River flows into what body of water?
9) What former Soviet republic now controls the warm water ports on the Black Sea?
10) What South African won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984?
11) What is the second largest city and the principal southern port of France?
12) What city is the center of the automobile industry in Italy?
13) Name the rift valley that stretches from the Middle East to East Africa?
14) What chief port of South China lies off the Hsi River?
15) What American President signed the Panama Canal Peace Treaty in 1977?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daily Geo and Map 4/6 - 4/9

Map: South American Lakes, Rivers, and Seas: http://www.ilike2learn.com/ilike2learn/SouthAmerica/SouthAmericaWater.html

1) Vicksburg, Mississippi borders the Mississippi River and what state – Arkansas or Louisiana?
2) What cave system is the world’s longest?
3) Great Falls and Helena lie on or near what major river?
4) Little Havana is found in what American city?
5) What was the site of the first permanent settlement in California in 1769?
6) What city of the French Riviera is known for its annual film festival?
7) What is Ireland’s longest river?
8) What cold ocean current sweeps the north Atlantic coast of Canada and the United States?
9) What forest was the scene of the 1940 German offensive to break the Maginot Line?
10) Name the mountain range that extends more than 1,000 miles from Kazakhstan’s northern border to the Arctic Ocean?
11) Which state has a humid subtropical climate-South Carolina or South Dakota?
12) To visit Ernest Hemingway’s home in Havana, one would travel to what country?
13) Name the country that is bordered by the Mediterranean, Black, and Aegean seas?
14) Which of the following is not a country in Eastern Europe – Albania, Mauritania, Romania?
15) Berbers and what other Muslim people make up most of the population in Algeria, Morocco, and Libya?