Thursday, February 25, 2010

Slave Narratives - 8th Grade U.S. History

Browse through the above link and choose one of the slave narratives to report on.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daily Geo 2/23-2/26

German States Map Quiz:

1) Name the sea that has a warming effect on the climate on Germany’s Northwestern coast.
2) A major nickel deposit was discovered on the mainland of Newfoundland near what sea?
3) Mother Teresa’s work among the poor was centered in which Indian city – Bombay, Kolkata, Madras?
4) What vegetable is most often associated with the states of Maine and Idaho?
5) Which state is not a major producer of wheat – Connecticut, Montana, N. Dakota?
6) The city of Reykjavik originated on the site of the first Viking farmsteads of what island country?
7) A Hutu majority and Tutsi minority make up most of the population of what African country?
8) Which island is farther north - Ellesmere Island, Ireland, Sicily?
9) Lake Havasu, on the Arizona-California border, was created when a dam was built across what river?
10) The largest group of freshwater lakes is on what continent?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daily Geo 2/16 - 2/19

Map Test: Middle East -

1) Which state is not a leading producer of coal – New Hampshire, W. Virginia, Wyoming?
2) Many of Russia’s industrial centers have developed on the banks of this river that flows into the Caspian Sea. Name it.
3) The Jaffna Peninsula, a region inhabited by Tamils, forms the northern tip of what island country off the coast of India?
4) Cinco de Mayo is a holiday celebrated by immigrants from which country?
5) Cliff Dwellings constructed by the Anasazi can be found in Mesa Verde park, which is located in which state?
6) Coral reefs are found off the coast of which state – Connecticut or Florida?
7) Geothermal activity caused by diverging tectonic plates creates steaming hot springs in Thingvellir National Park. This national park is in what island country – Iceland, Japan, Madagascar?
8) The Delaware River separates New Jersey from which other state – Pennsylvania or Massachusetts?
9) Sareks National Park is in one of the most remote parts of which country that borders the Gulf of Bothnia – Estonia, Finland, Sweden.
10) Before the rise of cotton, African slaves were used to in the Americas to farm indigo, rice, sugarcane, and what other plantation crop – pineapples, tea, tobacco?
11) Most people of what continent speak either Portuguese or Spanish?
12) France’s largest overseas department borders the Atlantic Ocean. Name the department. (French Guiana, Gabon, Haiti).
13) Which country has four official languages, including Romansh, which is based on Ancient Latin – Canada, Switzerland, Italy?
14) Which country is not predominantly Muslim – Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa?
15) The Guadalupe River flows past New Braunfels and Victoria in which U.S. state?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daily Geo 2/9 - 2/12

Map Quiz: Asia -

1) What is the term for the prevailing winds occurring between 30 and 60 degrees north latitude that helped carry European explorers from the Americas back to Europe?
2) Oranjestad is the chief port of what island off the coast of Venezuela?
3) Uzbek is a Turkic language spoken primarily in the countries of which continent?
4) Andorra is located in what mountain system?
5) Name the only national capital city on the island of New Guinea.
6) The river that forms part of Mauritania’s southern border shares its name with what bordering country - Algeria, Mali, Senegal?
7) Which islands, located about ½ way between North America and Asia, served as a U.S. naval station near the site of a famous WW II battle?
8) Which country does not use a peso as its method of currency – Mexico, Italy, of Philippines?
9) Which state has a longer border with Mexico – Texas or New Mexico?
10) What is the name for the part of the map that explains the meaning of symbols used on the map – scale, index, legend?
11) The Adriatic Sea borders the eastern coast of which European country?
12) Which state is farther from the Mississippi – Indiana or West Virginia?
13) Some of the oldest sagas, stories based on history and legend, were written in the 13th century in what island country in the North Atlantic?
14) To see the U.S.S. Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor, you would travel to what U.S. state?
15) To visit the Forbidden City in Beijing or to walk the Great Wall, you would travel to what country?