Wednesday, February 25, 2009

World Economies and Governments - Geography Assignment 2/25/09


This project is due Friday at the beginning of class. You will be in the Computer Lab today and tomorrow to work on it. You will likely have to work on this using your own time as well.


Your major resource for this project will be the CIA World Factbook, a website which gives incredible details about every country in the world, from types of governments to common infectious diseases found there.


Your task is to research two different countries. They have to be from two different continents. You are to compare / contrast their types of government, economies, and respective histories.

1.) One one page: summarize the historical and economic history of each country. Describe the government type of each.
2.) On the next page: Make two columns, one labeled Similarities, and one labeled Differences. List similarities and differences between these two countries.
3.) Then, make a folder for me in your folder on the student server. In this folder, make a folder for each country you are researching. Here you will 1.) Save the maps of each country you find on the CIA site, and 2.) Save a minimum of 3 pictures that represent the resources of the countries you are researching. For example, if a country relies on lobster fishing, you'd need to find a picture of a lobster.

How to navigate the website:

When you get to the site, click on the drop down box and browse through the list of countries. Select one at a time.

On the top right hand side of the page, you'll see a box labeled categories. You are responsible for reading the introduction, government, and economy tabs.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 6 Daily Geo and Map Test 2/24 - 2/27

Weekly Map Test: European Rivers

1) What present day country, located at the southwestern edge of the Arabian Peninsula, supplied frankincense and myrrh to the ancient world.
2) Which state straddles the Tropic of Cancer?
3) Transylvania is a region made famous by a fictional character, Count Dracula. This region is located in which European country?
4) Which state is not crossed by the Appalachian Mountains?
5) The Caprivi Strip gives Namibia access to a river that flows into the Mozambique Channel. Name this river in southern Africa.
6) The Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh, a national hero in Vietnam, can be visited in which city on the Red River?
7) Ruins of centuries-old pueblos can be found in which state – Minnesota or New Mexico?
8) The West Bank, the Shatt al Arab, and Kashmir are all disputed regions on which continent?
9) West Nile Virus was once only found in tropical regions, but it has spread to many parts of the United States. What insect is responsible for this disease?
10) The Red River of the North runs along the border between Minnesota and which other state - North Dakota or Illinois?
11) Which state is known as the Land of Lincoln because Abraham Lincoln began his political career there?
12) A change in the course of a major river may led to the decline of the ancient city of Ur, a center of Sumerian culture. Name this river.
13) Which Slavic language is spoken by the largest number of people?
14) What river marks Iowa’s eastern border?
15) A climate graph shows annual patterns of precipitation and which other climate related information - direction, pressure, or temperature?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Natural Resources Project


Write a report based on a specific example showing how natural resources lead to armed conflict between groups or nations.


Friday, 2/20


- 300 Word Report
- Typed, double-spaced, size 12 font
- Heading: Name, Date, Class
- Title
- A bibliography: 3 citations of the articles you used for your report. Use this website ( to create your citations, and then copy and paste them onto a separate page labeled "Bibliography."


Read through the following articles and choose one topic to report on. The news articles are to give you a start. Your report needs to reference three articles if you want full credit. Once you have targeted a topic, use Google News and to get you going.

Rush for natural resources still fuels war in Congo

Background of conflicts over resources in the Middle East

Tons of links to articles on resource-based conflict in Africa

China Stokes Furnace in Iron Ore War

Natural Resources are Fueling a New Cold War,1518,429968,00.html

Monday, February 16, 2009

Daily Geo Week 5 and Map Test

Map Quiz for the Week: World Mountain Ranges:

1) Chinook winds are to North America as Harmattan winds are to what?
Africa Antarctica Australia
2) Which of the following states does not include part of the Missouri River- Arkansas, Montana, or South Dakota?
3) Sinhala is the principle language of which island country off the coast of South Asia?
4) Which sea boarders Italy and Croatia- the Adriatic Sea or the Black Sea?
5) Which Southeast Asian island country was granted full independence by the United States in 1946?
6) Which continent has the most cities with populations greater than ten million?
7) Skopje is the largest city in a former Yugoslav republic. Name this country.
8) The African city of Kampala lies near the northern shore of Lake Victoria in which country?
9) The Ryukyu Islands are to Japan as the West Frisian Islands are to what?
10) In November 2004, fierce storms in Mediterranean Sea caused three shipwrecks off the coast of which large country east of Morocco?
11) Which state is known as the Badger State because its early lead miners who lived in caves were called “badgers”—New York or Wisconsin?
12) The most densely populated region of Russia is centered around a city that has been the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church for 700 years. Name this city.
13) North Carolina’s most populous city is an important financial center. Name this city.
14) Between the 1850s and the 1930s, millions of European immigrants settled in the Pampas grassland region in which country?
15) In January 2005, hundreds of villagers were displaced by tribal clashes over land and water access near Naivasha, in an African country northeast of Tanzania. Name this country.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Map Quiz and Daily Geo Week 4

Map Quiz for week 4: North America -

Daily Geo Questions Week 4

1) Name the country with the smallest area on the west coast of South America.
2) Which African city was established near the head of the Nile River Delta, south of Alexandria, more than a thousand years ago?
Asmara Cairo Tripoli
3) Which port city in Morocco is located at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar?
4) Which state is farther east- New Jersey or Ohio?
5) The Po River is to the Adriatic Sea as the Dniester River is to what?
6) In India, pilgrims travel to the sacred city of Varanasi, also called Banaras, to bathe in the waters of what river?
7) Which country is located between France and Spain- Luxembourg or Andorra?
8) Name the sea that was created by the spreading of the earth’s crust along the junction of the African and Arabian plates.
Baltic Sea Mediterranean Sea Red Sea
9) To visit massive rice terraces on Luzon and to walk through a palace in Manila, you would travel to what country?
10) Millions of workers went on strike in October 2003 to protest a government plan to reform the pension system in what European country south of Switzerland?
11) The longest river in New England shares its name with which state?
12) The Omaha, Crow and Sioux all have reservations along the Mississippi River’s longest tributary. Name this tributary.
Arkansas River Missouri River Ohio River
13) In January 2005, which country just south of Nicaragua announced that torrential rains had caused widespread damage to its banana and pineapple export crops?
14) The most populous city on the Tigris River is the setting for many of the stories of Arabian Nights. Name this city.
15) An Afrikaans word meaning separateness is used to refer to South Africa’s former policy of racial segregation. Name this term.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Map Quiz and Daily Geo Questions Week 3

Map Quiz for this week: Continents and Islands:

1. Which of the Earth’s four oceans in the smallest?
2. What is the term for the ecosystem generally consisting of broadleaf evergreen trees that is found in wet tropical areas such as the Amazon basin?
3. In April 2004, the parliament in Vilnius impeached president Rolandes Paksas following accusations that he violated the constitution of which European country?
4. Although nearly 1,000 miles from the coast, a city near the confluence of the Rio Negro and the Amazon is accessible to oceangoing vessels. Name this port city.
Manaus Montevideo Rio de Janiero
5. More than 80 million people live in the European Union’s most populous member country. Name this country.
Austria Germany London
6. Which country, made up of more than 13,000 islands, has the second largest area of tropical rain forest after Brazil?
Brunei Indonesia Malaysia
7. Which country has a higher percentage of arable land- Venezuela or Nigeria?
8. Which country does not border the Dead Sea- Jordan, Egypt or Israel?
9. The northwestern part of the Cordillera de Talamanca is located in a Central American country that has no army and a long democratic tradition. Name this country.
10. Lake Constance is bordered by Germany, Austria, and what other country?
France Poland Switzerland
11. Oregon and Idaho share the Columbia Plateau with which other state?
12. Magyars are the largest ethnic group in a Central European country that borders Slovakia. Name this country.
Czech Republic Hungary Ukraine
13. Which fragmented state on the island of Borneo is separated into two parts by Malaysia?
14. Which factor determines whether a prairie region has tall grasses or short grasses?
a. the amount of precipitation b. the amount of wind c. the amount of cows
15. The union of the principalities of Moldavia and Walachia in the mid-1800’s led to independence for which European country?